Saturday, August 17, 2013


I think there’s a significant difference between clever and cleverer-than-thou. I’m talking about clever as in witty, informative, ingenious or thought-provoking. I suppose one could say that a bank robber who escapes punishment is clever, but I mean the kind of clever that is helpful, entertaining or charming. When you say or do something that makes someone smile, something that requires intelligence, talent, thought and insight, that’s clever.

I think many of us try very hard to be clever, but we often fall into the trap of being cleverer-than-thou…the kind of clever that’s mean, that’s meant to put others in their place, the kind of clever that aims to prove we’re better. I suppose you could say it’s the difference between being smart and being a smartass.

When I catch myself trying to be cleverer-than-thou, I don’t like it. I think it’s ugly. Most of us need to be built up, not torn down.

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