Monday, March 10, 2014

The Villains

There was a time when it was understandable for the average person to think LGBTs were a threat. Homosexuality was against the law. People who engaged in homosexual activity or “cross dressed” were considered to be seriously mentally ill. And there were a lot of horrible myths about LGBTs floating around that went virtually unchallenged because LGBTs couldn’t speak up for themselves. Nearly everyone was in the closet. Even LGBT people were often confused about themselves. But then the medical establishment reversed itself, states started revising their laws, and for the last forty years, LGBT people have become increasingly more visible.

Most of those who still believe the old myths are engaged in a kind of willful, malicious thuggery. The bigots aren’t even above viciously harming their own children. This isn’t merely a difference of opinion, and the homophobes shouldn’t be given a pass because they claim their nasty myths about LGBT people are part of their religion. Just because you go to church, sing hymns and call yourself a “brother or sister in Christ” doesn’t make you a nice person. “That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.”

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