Monday, April 14, 2014

Special People

The world we live in can be a horrible, terrifying place. All around us every day there is senseless violence, cruelty and death. Murder is common. Accidents and deadly viruses are common. We’re familiar with friends suddenly and unexpectedly dying, with children and adults being bullied and belittled, with fires that burn down homes and with ticks that bite us and give us Lyme disease. And there always seems to be a war going on somewhere. In such a world it’s easy to simply turn our backs, to harden ourselves to the harsh realities, to become indifference to the suffering of others. I think most of us do that to some degree now and then, and who can blame us?

But there are special people who don’t look away. They watch, they take it in and they don’t want to forget. They also find ways to gently remind us of what’s going on without coming across as self-righteous or judgmental. And the truly remarkable thing is they’re able to do this while remaining optimistic and enthusiastic about life. The suffering they’ve seen and experienced hasn’t made them mean or bitter. Instead, they’ve grown more patient and loving. They also greatly appreciate all the things in life that aren’t horrible and terrifying, and they’re quick to remind us of those things, too.

I am in awe of such people. I wish I knew how to follow their example because I think they’ve found the right balance. If there’s such a thing as enlightenment, I think those people have achieved it whether or not they call what they do religion or claim to believe in a higher power.


  1. I strive to follow the example of those people as well. Sometimes I succeed, but sometimes I fail miserably. Thank you for here encouraging words. I often check out your blog and fine the pictures to be a wonderful distraction, but I particularly liked this post about special people.
