Friday, February 12, 2016


A surprising number of “conservatives” are actually democratic socialists, only they just don’t know it. They’re all for tax money going to bail out large corporations when they fail. They’re all for huge public works projects like war and walls along the border. They’re all for regulating the private lives of “sinners” and for policing the disabled rather than banks which will be expecting a handout if they lose a hundred billion dollars.

I think government should be used to help the poor, provide education and training and to regulate business. I think the large banks should be broken up into smaller ones, so that if one fails, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. My father worked for a small, provincial bank for twenty years. It’s now owned by Chase, and the service the people in my hometown get from this bank sucks compared to what they got when people like my father were on the board of directors and making decisions locally.

I’m old enough to know better than to give my heart to any politician, and I doubt any Democrat would make all my dreams come true. Bernie Sanders would have a hard time getting most of his agenda through Congress, and I doubt Clinton would even try to shake things up very much. But I think a Republican might make my nightmares come true.

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