Thursday, July 7, 2011

AFA: Gay sex is like using a screwdriver to open a paint can, and that's just wrong

Excert from a recent American Family Association Report:

ED Vitagliano: Our perspective here at AFA has been not only a biblical one, we've made this point numerous times, but it is also a physiological, a biological, a natural law perspective. And that perceptive is humankind is divided into male and female and the male and female have different - you know, I don't want to make this a biology lesson - but different organs that are designed for, well, intercourse. And so the fact of the matter is homosexuals can only imitate that and this is the primary reason why the sexually transmitted disease rates and infection rates are so high in, especially, the gay male community. They are abusing their body and they are abusing the nature of the design of the human body.
And so you don't even have to be a Christian or an orthodox Jew or a Muslim to argue against the unnaturalness of homosexual activity. We're not saying that people should be beaten up because they're gay or persecuted because they're homosexual, we're just simply saying that our society should not develop as a worldview that this is a natural and normal and healthy activity, because it's not.
Jeremy Wiggins: When you look at the standards for the paste or the crayons that go into a classroom, how stringent the government is on the materials that a child can use because of health and safety regulations, but they want to teach a child that it's okay to be gay even though you can catch something that will kill you in a most horrific way that I wouldn't wish on anyone.
And also, when you use something - just to piggyback off of Ed - when you use something that it's not designed for, bad things happen. Why do you think they tell you don't use your screwdriver to open up paint can lids? It wasn't designed for that. It could break. And that's what we're seeing. You go against the unnatural [sic] state of things and things break down.

There's a term for the inability to imagine using something in an untraditional way--functional fixedness. It's an indication of a lack of creativity. Functional fixedness slows a person's ability to adapt to a changing environment and limits their choices when trying to solve problems.

I think it's also worth noting that gays don't really do anything sexually that straight people don't do. Straight people have oral sex. Straight people have anal sex. Even straight men sometimes bottom for their girlfriends and wives. It's called pegging. And isn't it interesting that because of the position of the prostate, many men--gay and straight--find receptive anal sex pleasurable? Men have a g-spot just like women, except ours is in our butts. :P

As for STDs...I covered that one recently already.  How many of these professional homophobes have medical problems?  How many have medical problems caused or made worse by personal behavior--drinking, smoking, overeating, lack of exercise, reckless driving...  Since when has a person's health status justified discrimination and bigotry?

It's true that far too many gay men contract HIV, and possibly other STDs, but the majority of gay men and the majority of LGBT people as a whole aren't HIV positive.  Safer sex practices work.  We should do more to encourage gay men to follow safer sex guidelines if they choose to be sexually active.  We should encourage them to value their lives and to take care of themselves. 

Marginalizing and demonizing LGBT people won't help, but the professional homophobes aren't really interesting in helping.  They're interested in using the fact that most people in the U.S. with HIV are gay men as an excuse for their bigotry, which is an indication of their depravity.

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