Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania blames the Penn State child rape scandal on the "promotion of the homosexual agenda on campus" and "anything goes" mentality.

Read her comments at hate group American Family Association news site here.


My uncle molested my cousin when he was no more than five years old.  The man is not gay.  He has never shown any sexual interest in men.  He's not a pedophile.  To my knowledge he's never shown any sexual interest in any kids, male or female.  I do not believe he had the slightest bit of sexual interest in my cousin.  I believe he did what he did out of spite and cruelty.  This was a case of one person using his power over another because he could and because he gave into his rage. 

I think many instances of child molestation are like that, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that is a blanket explanation.  I'm not sure we have a blanket explanation that explains all instances of abuse.  But I am sure that gay people are no more likely to abuse children than straight people.
People like Gramely and LaBarbera aren't really interested in understanding this issue or protecting victims.  They want to use stories like this to spread misinformation, and promote fear, and a general disgust of sex outside of heterosexual marriage, and a disgust of LGBT people and homosexuality in particular.
LaBarbera, in his zeal to promote his homophobic agenda, even went so far as to suggest the boys who were raped may now be gay.  He spends his life denouncing LGBT people, and now he wants to label the victims gay because that feeds into the lie that kids are indoctrinated or seduced into being gay.  It's obvious to me that he and people like him are using this case to promote their hate and that they don't really care about the victims. 

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