Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So much for Michael Brown's pretense that he is a kinder, gentler homophobe.

Reflections on the Penn State Scandal and Other Recent News : Line of Fire


I listened to about half of that, and I read the blog post that supposedly supports Brown's claim that there's "pederasty in the gay activist's closet." I'm pretty sure that Brown is bringing all this up because he wants to connect homosexuality with pedophilia in the minds of his listeners and readers. But even if you take him at face value, what he's saying is extremely prejudiced. If we're to judge gay men of the past by their sexual interest in and activity with younger men and teenagers, then shouldn't we also judge heterosexual men of the past in the same way?

Brown complains about the fact that gay activists want school children to know that Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo were gay, but even though, according to him, the evidence that supports the claim that they were gay is questionable, Brown says if they were, then they were pedophiles because they were supposedly interested in teenage boys. I recently read David McCullough's bio of John Adams, and in it, he claims that Sally Hemmings may have been as young as 14 when Thomas Jefferson began his affair with her, and Hemmings was not only much younger than Jefferson, she was his slave. So should school children be taught to think of Jefferson as a heterosexual pedophile? And should everything he ever did be rejected as the act of a heterosexual pedophile?

Brown complains about the that gay activists want school children to know that Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde were gay, and says that their supposed interest in teenage boys means they were homosexual pedophiles. Edger Allen Poe married his thirteen-year-old cousin. And Lewis Carol is said to have been unusually interested in the little girl who inspired “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” He supposedly even took a series of nude photos of her. Were they heterosexual pedophiles? Should school children be taught this. Should their works be thrown out, burned, discarded?

Brown says that we should remember Harvey Milk, if at all, as a homosexual pedophile because he supposedly had a sexual encounter with a sixteen-year-old. My grandfather was 30 when he married my 15-year-old grandmother. Should I think of him as a heterosexual pedophile? Well, I refuse to do that.

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