Friday, January 13, 2012

I would like to see a documentary on the damaging effects of "ex-gay therapy"

I would love to see a well made documentary about the survivors of so-called reparative and “ex-gay” therapy. I would like to see some of them interviewed so that they can tell their stories in their own words. I would like the process explained in detail. I would like mental health professionals interviewed. I would like to hear them explain exactly how this is not mainstream therapy, how there is no scientific basis for the methodology, how it is not peer reviewed or held up to any kind of professional scrutiny, and I would like them to explain how a person could be harmed by this, how spending your life being coerced into making a change that really isn’t possible can damage a person, how you might end up feeling betrayed by your family, your church, and an organization that promised to help you change but only managed to make you feel shame, and took your money while doing it.
I would not want the documentary to focus on what is and is not sin. I certainly wouldn’t want to hear what someone like Alan Chambers thinks is sin. In my opinion, the man is an idiot, and his opinions are worthless. When he talks, all I hear are two-bit rationalizations for his abhorrent behavior. I also don’t want “their” side given equal weight for the sake of some foolish quest for balance. We’ve already heard enough from the “gay=sin”, “change is possible” crowd. They don’t need yet another platform to spew their lies.

I don’t know much about filmmaking, or how much money it would cost, or who would be interested in directing it, but I think such a documentary, if it was well made and compelling, could be a very useful tool in educating the general public as well as family, friends and ministers who might be thinking about recommending (or mandating) ex-gay therapy.

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