Monday, March 5, 2012

Piers Morgan says Kirk Cameron was "Brave" to make antigay remarks. Brave? Really?

Piers Morgan: Kirk Cameron Was "Brave" to Make Antigay Remarks


Would Morgan call a white supremacist brave?  Does he think Rush Limbaugh is brave?  Kirk Cameron is a Hollywood failure.  He became widely known playing a dim, ignorant young man over twenty years ago on the TV sitcom Growing Pains.  The reason Cameron could play Mike Seaver so well is because the role wasn't a stretch.  Cameron is pretty dim and ignorant himself, so most of America lost interest after his teenage cuteness wore off, but, to give the devil his due, Cameron was smart enough to milk his celebrity for all it's worth by going on to play for the Christianist crowd after his mainstream gig ran its course.  The Christianists love him, and they keep the money coming in.  So long as Cameron continues to tell them what they want to hear, they'll continue to pay for the roof over his head and the groceries in his pantry.  Cameron may very well believe the hateful nonsense he espouses, but it's hardly brave of him to preach it considering fellow haters have been rewarding him handsomely for doing just that for a couple of decades.

The question is why does Piers Morgan invite bigots like Kirk Cameron on his show and ask them to pontificate about their views on homosexuality?  Why does someone as stupid as Cameron get to have a platform to spew hate about me and people like me?  Morgan may want us to believe he's an objective interviewer who allows his guests to express all kinds of opinions about LGBTs on his show, including negative ones, even though he's okay with LGBTs himself, but it seems he's really just after ratings because he wants to hoover up the money...and LGBTs be damned. 


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