Tuesday, October 20, 2015


When it comes to respecting the opinions of others, I expect many American evangelicals are going to be pains in the backside for a long time to come. Most were born into it, but I think many stay, at least in part, because going through life believing you’re among the “saved” and that you’re among the “brothers and sisters in Christ” is an ego booster. A lot probably don’t have much going for them otherwise. Being an evangelical allows them to think that they’re just a little bit better and more important.

They’re also taught that there’s little room for doubt in their faith. American evangelicals and fundamentalists have a long list of speculative, unprovable beliefs that they speak of as if they’re absolute and irrefutable facts.

They’re taught that there is a cosmic war going on between the armies of God and the armies of darkness, and they’re taught that those who oppose them are under the influence of the forces of darkness. They define themselves as the pure and Godly ones, so in their minds, if you disagree with them, then there must be something wrong with you.

They’re also taught that the apocalypse is coming soon and that the rapture could take place at any moment. They have a mission to save as many souls as they can before the clock runs out. It’s almost as if they imagine a brownie point system is in play and those who talk enough “sinners” into joining God’s army will get an extra reward in heaven.

I don’t think respecting the opinions of others is very high on their list of priorities.

I might be stating the case in stark terms. I know that not all evangelicals are quite that overbearing. But enough are, and that is the culture. I’ve been on the receiving end of their proselytizing more times than I can count, and almost always, it made me feel violated. It was as if I had just been objectified and used without my consent. I felt like I had been elected to serve as a prop in a play that was going on inside their heads, and it didn’t matter if I wanted to be in that play or not. They could walk away from the incident and say to themselves, “I tried to save poor Gary’s soul today, but he’s still resisting God. I hope someone talks some sense into him before it’s too late.”

I have PTSD and extreme social phobia, so even ordinary conversations can be an ordeal. But those who came at me with their Jesus always made it absolutely clear that they didn’t give one flying fuck in hell what I felt or thought about anything. They wanted to sell me something because they were after the commission. I was just the mark or the sucker.

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