Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why not blame Italians?

Jewish historian Josephus wrote of a mid 1st century riot in Jerusalem during the Passover celebration. He estimated that between 20,000 and 30,000 people were killed. This was not the first or last Passover riot.

The Roman governor and Roman troops were usually in Jerusalem during Passover because there was a history of violence in the city during this time.
Ancient Jews traveled to the city so their Passover lamb could be sacrificed in the Temple by a priest. There were many out-of-towners in the city during this time. Those who traveled far probably didn’t bring a lamb but bought one in the city. Maybe they wanted to change their Roman money for local currency because they didn’t want to buy their Passover lamb using coins with a Roman emperor on them. The Roman emperor was considered a god.

Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. According to New Testament accounts, Jesus created a disturbance in the Temple and drew crowds with his teachings. Jewish authorities handed him over to the Romans, and Pontius Pilate had Jesus executed for calling himself the “King of the Jews.” Maybe that was a trumped up charge, or maybe Pontius Pilate didn’t understand what Jesus meant. He probably didn’t spend a lot of time trying to figure it out.
Many Christians have been calling Jews Christ killers ever since. But most Jews at the time probably had no idea who Jesus was, and it’s not like they all collectively handed Jesus over to Pontius Pilate. The few who did probably had good reason to be concerned about him. If you’re going to blame all Jews throughout history for what happened, why not blame all Italians, too? Pontius Pilate was Roman, and he’s the one who gave the order to have Jesus executed.

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