Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Earlier today I was trolling for pictures to share and came across a photo of a little boy getting beaten up by some other little boys. I noticed there was writing under the photo so I enlarged it thinking it would be a comment about bullying. It turns out that whoever wrote the comment believed the picture depicted a group of thugs taking away the little boy’s bicycle. The author went on to gripe about how in a republic such as ours, the majority doesn’t get to take away the individuals “things.”

In other words, liberty was reduced to property rights, and taxpayers were being compared to a bullied little boy.

If liberty means living in a country where the few with money are free to exploit those without, a country without a safety net, public education, some guarantee of basic health care, environmental regulations, work safety regulations and the like, then you can have it.

Below is a picture of downtown Pittsburgh taken in the 1940s. The streetlamps used to burn in Pittsburgh all day long because the air was polluted with so much soot. Libertarians may want to live in a hellish environment such as this. I do not. 


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