Thursday, June 16, 2016

Haters are haters no matter their religion.

This country’s Religious Right and the Republicans have steadily given us a diet of toxic homophobia for years. They have screamed in the public square that we are sick, we are sinners, we pose a threat to children, the family, even to civilization. They have blamed us for earthquakes and floods. They’ve even blamed us for the death of birds. It would be laughable if so many didn’t take them seriously. They have worked tirelessly to demonize us, to block our civil rights and to criminalize us. Recently, no less than three Republican presidential candidates attended an event where a Christian extremist minister called for the death of LGBTs.

It is outrageous that these same homophobic bigots would attempt to capitalize on the massacre of LGBT people in Orlando by pointing their fingers at another group they hate.


  1. I don't understand how these hateful people gain a following. I can only surmise that there are a LOT of people who are willfully ignorant or poorly educated. Most of the religious right "leaders" are bullies who have found a way to cloak their bullying in respectability. Others are just nutbars and wackaloons who claim everything that happens is a conspiracy or comes from their god or satan. The religious right is a fairly large minority and I can only hope that they never become a majority.

  2. I don't understand how these hateful people gain a following. I can only surmise that there are a LOT of people who are willfully ignorant or poorly educated. Most of the religious right "leaders" are bullies who have found a way to cloak their bullying in respectability. Others are just nutbars and wackaloons who claim everything that happens is a conspiracy or comes from their god or satan. The religious right is a fairly large minority and I can only hope that they never become a majority.
