Tuesday, June 14, 2016

So It's Haldol for All

An American born psychopath who happens to be Muslim was apparently taught by his father to hate homos, just like many Christian parents teach their kids, and he goes out and murders 50 people in a gay nightclub with a military-style assault rifle that he purchased legally in this country.

Some Christian and Jewish extremists applaud him.

Some Christian extremists claim the victims got what they deserved because LGBTs and liberals have teamed up with Muslim extremists, and in any event, LGBTs are an offense to their god.

Some Christian extremists and their politician lapdogs—many of whom have spent their careers fighting for anti-LGBT legislation—refuse to even acknowledge the victims were LGBT.

The Republican presumptive presidential candidate—a repugnant, narcissistic, dangerous, stupid, unusually orange man—proposes the solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, even though the killer was American, even though the presumptive presidential candidate has courted the Christian extremist vote, and they are every bit as anti-LGBT as their Muslim counterparts. The presumptive presidential candidate goes on to claim he is the most pro-LGBT person running for president, even though he has pledged to stack the courts and SCOTUS with people who will vote against LGBTs and that he will rescind all Executive Orders that protect LGBTs. And this person gets a boost in his poll numbers.

Meanwhile, the NRA responds just as they always do: “More guns! More guns!”

I’m beginning to think we should put Haldol in the drinking water.

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