Sunday, June 26, 2016

Pompous Fool Leaves the Mess He Helped Make Behind

It has been reported that George Will has quit the GOP now that people like him have been so successful in transforming the party into the unvarnished asshole party. I used to watch ABC’s This Week on Sunday mornings, and he was always a fixture. Over time, I grew to loath him. He was always, without fail, monumentally pompous. He always gave the impression that he firmly believed he was the absolute smartest person in the room and everything he said was pure gold. He routinely made references to historical events and quoted from famous books and people, but the relevance was often questionable. He just did it to make himself sound smart to people who didn’t know any better. And when you stripped away the bullshit, his arguments were often overly simplistic and even monumentally stupid.

Almost every week, he liked to claim that welfare was like a subsidy, and if you subsidize something, you get more of it…like welfare babies. He never showed the slightest ounce of humanity or any recognition that he was talking about babies. Babies! Poor babies. And when they did a segment on LGBT rights, he would make the same cold, heartless, brain dead argument, insisting that if the government and society recognized the rights of LGBTs, you would get more of them. I wanted to throttle him. What a disgusting and dumb human being.