Monday, March 18, 2013

I was looking for answers when I went to college. I studied Christianity, various other religions, and I read a number of philosophers. I came away thinking that there are a lot of interesting ideas out there, but no one really has the answers. We all have to come to our own conclusions. We can try to hitch a ride on someone else’s ideas, but if we do that, we’re still making a choice to believe something that hasn’t been proven. That’s why fanatics really get under my skin. They speak with such great authority. They’re so sure they’re right. They know their dogma backwards and forwards. But when you peel back the layers, you always get down to basic beliefs that are based on unproven assumptions.


  1. I agree. The best part of MY journey has been exposure to the thoughts and ideas of people that came before me. Darn good thing we invented writing, and the printing press. Fanatics are usually people who have ceased to question (if they ever did) the validity of what some-one else said. All religions have been invented by humans, and gain the power they have because people refuse to question what other people have said or written.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Davey.
