Friday, January 9, 2015

We have had enough of that nasty bullshit.

As far as I’m concerned, people can live how they want, think and believe what they want, and they can say what they want. But that goes for everybody, not just those who think being LGBT is wrong because of “deeply held religious beliefs.” The rest of us get to have our say, too. And I think that the idea that being homo, or wanting or having homo sex or homo relationships is sinful is a vicious, ugly, pernicious, vile, disgusting idea that does great harm. I also think that it is greatly toxic for an LGBT person to buy into such hateful nonsense born of abject stupidity. For centuries, we have hung our heads and remained silent when this revolting idea was expressed in public and in private. I hope that from now on the homo sin idea will be vehemently contradicted and put down every time someone espouses it. We have had enough of that nasty bullshit.