Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dream Boy

I had a brain tumor removed in the summer of 1997. Originally, it was scheduled for July 1, but the hospital rescheduled it for July 15 without telling me. I didn't find out until the day before. On the last day of June, I thought I was going in for this 15 hour surgery the next morning. I wasn't sure I would survive. I thought my life was about to be over, and even if I did make it, I knew for sure that my life would never be the same and that the recovery was going to be long and difficult. So when I was told that day that I had two more weeks, I felt like a prisoner on death row who had been pardoned by the governor at the very last minute. I have never been more relieved in my life.

That night, I had an intense erotic dream. I was walking in a vast American wilderness. I think this was before Europeans had arrived, so I don't know why I was there, but I was. When I came upon a meadow, I saw an Indian boy coming my way. He was slender, elegant and young, maybe 18 or 20. Our eyes met, and it was as if we knew one another. It was as if we were meant to meet in this place. We continued to walk toward one another, and when we were standing in front of one another, my Indian boy picked me up and held me in the air as if I weighed nothing. At that moment, I experienced an orgasm and the dream was over. I'll never forget that dream, and I'll never forget my Indian boy.


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