Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hamlet's Soliloquy

I’ve always found Hamlet’s soliloquy--“To be or not to be…”--to be profound and insightful. I think Hamlet states our basic predicament in a way that’s so eloquent and poetic that it strips away the cobwebs and helps us see ourselves in a more direct light. Back in my twenties when I experienced suicidal depression, I would often get out my copy of the play and read the soliloquy because it helped clarify my emotions, and that helped me manage my darker feelings. I don’t know if the character Hamlet was based on a real person. If he is, I don’t know if the real Hamlet ever said anything remotely like the character in the play. I’m aware that some have suggested that Shakespeare may not actually be the author of the plays that are attributed to him. Interesting academic questions, but I can’t see what difference to makes in regards to how Hamlet’s soliloquy has personally impacted my life. I don’t need to know for certain that the story of Hamlet is historically factual. I don’t need to know for certain that Shakespeare was the literary god many assume him to be. I don’t need everyone in the world to accept Hamlet’s soliloquy as their own personal touchstone. I don’t need for everyone in the world to appreciate it and interpret just the way I do.

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