Monday, June 25, 2012

I have PTSD, so a lot of things cause me to have vivid flashbacks. I can be going about my day and suddenly something will trigger a memory of a painful insident from the past, and the emotions can be so fresh and raw it's as if I'm reliving the episode, not just recalling it. Even things that happened over 30 years ago can pop up in my head unexpectedly in an instant. For some reason school buses sometimes trigger these flashbacks. Not always. Sometimes I'll see a school bus and it doesn't bother me at all. But sometimes they make all the bad stuff come flooding back. I think it's because the school buses I rode were always very crowded, and I never felt safe on those buses. Nasty things were said to me and others. There were flicks on the ears, spit balls, threats of physical violence, and there was always the real posiblity that things could escalate. And many people made it clear they didn't want me anywhere near them. I hated riding the bus, as I'm sure many kids do. I wanted to be invisible when I was on the bus.

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