Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The idea that homosexuality is a sin is pernicious and vile and wholly without merit or excuse.

As we all know, the Christianists have been screaming that the advance of LGBT rights is a threat to their religious freedom. People like Maggie Gallagher claim that to call them bigots is to attack their religion. Well, I respect religious liberty, and I respect the right of individuals to live as they so choose. But the rights of others to live as they see fit and believe what they want doesn’t negate my right to speak my mind. And I make a distinction between someone who chooses for themselves to marry someone of the opposite sex when they’re primarily attracted to people of the same sex and those who promote the idea that homosexuality is a sin. Those who believe that are allowed to believe it, and they’re allowed to express their view, but I’m allowed to object, and I do. I think that is a very destructive and dangerous idea. That idea has hurt me and it’s hurt a lot of other people. And I’m not prepared to give the "gay is a sin" crowd a pat on the head and let it go even if some seem to be nice people. I don’t buy the idea that they’re just living their truth and following their path. They might be good people in many respects, but they’re out there selling the idea that loving someone of the same sex is wrong and that it can never be as good as loving someone of the opposite sex, and I believe that idea is pernicious and vile and wholly without merit or excuse. That’s my path, and that’s my truth. I don’t claim to know everything, and I certainly don’t claim to know what any god wants, but that’s the way I see it.

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