Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rob's Terrific Boner

This was an important day for Rob. He had been enjoying horseplay with his buddies since they were little boys, but on this day Rob noticed his body, or a certain part of his body at least, responded in an unexpected way. He hoped that Jimmy didn’t feel his thing pressing into his back, and he was thankful that Jimmy never said anything, but on the other hand, Rob was grateful that the incident, his response, the immense pleasure he felt in being so physically close to his friends, his terrific boner helped clear away all the confusion and guilt. This was the day Rob understood why the Playboy magazines Dave stole from his father bored him, and why he felt agitated by his friends’ excitement when they looked at the magazines. He wasn’t like them. He would never want to be with a woman because that weird, bug-eyed thrill his friends got out of seeing nudie pictures of pretty women he got from being near his friends. Rob finally understood this part of himself. This frightened him. He was terrified of what his friends would think of him if they found out, but it was good to know the truth. It was good to experience the attraction and to appreciate it, take delight in it for what it was. Rob had a big queer hardon for his friends, and he loved it, and he loved them.

Photographer unknown
Subjects unknown
Little fictional story by Gary Cottle

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